UpandComers Keira Knightley will not be appearing in David Cronenberg’s “Cosmopolis”, the actress’s reps confirmed to us today. Knightley was brought into the casting conversation following some eagle-eyed fans seeing her name listed alongside star Robert Pattinson’s on the production company’s website. When the internet exploded with the news, her name was quickly removed and her reps declined to comment on her involvement until today, with a solid “she’s not in it”.
Knightley will next be seen on screen in “A Dangerous Method”, another Cronenberg directorial feature.
Indiewire -The Playlist While reps for the actress have declined to comment thus far (including several of our inquiries to U.K. and U.S. reps) according to Up and Comers, Knightley won’t be working on back to back Cronenberg films as confirmed by her PR folks. That’s a shame if only because a name like Keira Knightley does make a David Croneberg film easier to finance. So now it’s just RPatz and Giamatti. A match made in heaven, no?
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