17 дек. 2010 г.

Possible Breaking Dawn Filming Updates

"First things first – the relationship, they’re fine. They’re working. They’re good. There’s much less work tension on this set than the last one and so they’re actually getting on well. This week they’ve been shooting scenes at the Cullen home as Bella is very, very ill. Yesterday they both had the day off. Today they’re back on set for a scene from Breaking Dawn Part 2, a vampire bonfire and sharing war stories. Next week they work 3 days in the field with the Cullens and the bad vampires. Then beginning December 23, they’re off for the holiday break. They continue to shoot the battle for a week when production resumes in January. That’s still a ways ahead. Will let you know more then. For now, understand their schedules are quite similar. When there are days off – and he has more than she does – those days almost always coincide. By design."

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