Robert Pattinson
The legend of an attainaible love
Introduction: The third installment of the Twilight Saga, Eclipse, was a success.
Edward loves with passion, but without sex, and this fact increases feelings. And women fell in love too with a love so close and so far
Robert Pattinson doesn’t seem to understand completely reasons for this success. So many women want to see him only this way, as a romantic vampire.
He earned a lot of money ($17.000.000, according to Forbes) with this character and Summit earned a lot of money too.
How is Edward, what interest you most in that character?
Edward thinks he doesn’t deserve to live at all, he would like to stop to be antisocial and do something in life. He is not an anti-hero, he is a super hero but he doesn’t admit it. He is happy to have powers, but in a hundred years he had never done anything for other people. Edward would like to be a person like any other, and hates himself because he is a freak.
How you were as a student
I was a boring guy, an average guy.
You wrote and sung a song in the twilight soundtrack. How did it happened?
I played that music once in my house in London with two friend of mine. After 6 months I ve listened again to that music and I wrote lyrics… but this is a long story that it ended in the Twilight soundtrack.
So, acting is your profession and music is something for your self?
You can’t be an actor for yourself only
Do you worry about people could say about your music? What hurts you more? critics about your music or your acting?
As an actor you have to live with criticism. I want to know what people think about my music but they can be influenced by bad criticism, but, in the end this is not very important because I think I’ll never sell my music.
You have a scene in the movie that you love most?
Bella feels guilty after she kissed Jacob. Edward is understanding. It is a beautiful moment. Maybe is the only scene in which I would say he is a good guy, not anyone is capable of that. In the prevoius movies he always took decisions for him and for Bella and for the first time he leaves her a choice, because he wants desperately to be with her, so he waits for her. He has only to wait for her coming back
You are the romantic vampire, your enemy is a wolf with abdominals. A strange contrast.
It’s funny to think that I should have abdominals too, if you refer on books. But I’ve not ever presented myself at the trainings.
Would you ever fight for a woman?
Surely yes, but not for love, maybe for pride
Edward thinks as a man of a hundred years ago. You agree with him about premarital sex? what moral do you follow for yourself, the present one or 1900′s?
The present one
So you agree with sex before marriage?
I think everyone does it (laughs). It had always been this way, and people who doesn’t admit it are hypocrite. They have to show themselves as virgins because you have to say it
You said that this movie (Eclipse) is sexy despite sex. What is sexy for you?.
The waiting. The moment you fear that the other doesn’t want you, and you don’t know if there will be something more. fear enhances desire.
How do you feel to work with Kristen again?
It is much easier and much difficult at the same time.Kristen is such a serious actress and she pushes me to act as my best. She has a faster mind, I have to think more than her. She loves to tell her opinion on my work and sometimes she makes me angry.
Does she oblige you to repeat scenes to act them in a better way?
Oh yes, she goes straight to the director saying “Let’s do it again”. Hopefully it doesn’t happen so often.
And If you ask her the same thing ?
She would kill me.
You are working a lot now, have you still time to see soccer?
I put a vcr on when I can. If it should be possible I would have turn on the tv behind you
What is for you your ideal day?
My ideal day is here at Los Angeles, take a car and go to mountains, see nature, I don’t need anything more.
You don’t seem to appreciate all this attention around you. Do you fear negativity?
I fear unexpected events. I make interviews only if are about movies and I have not an irregular life at all. So anything you read about me are inventions. you have to be always prepared to unexpected events
So in life there are more bad things than good things?
Yes, but who cares about bad things? Everyone wants to know only bad things about you.
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