"I met Rob!!! He was touring the local Buddy Holly museum! I had given up looking for him and decided to take my son in to get free cake cuz it's Buddy Holly's bday celebration! I was rounding a corner with the stroller and there he was scruffy and all!! There was like nobody in the museum just old people.
I was seriously paralyzed then I just spit out 'rob is that you?' he turned around (he was looking at a guitar) he looked at me and started laughing and said 'no no you've got the wrong guy' but duh I heard his sweet voice I knew it was him!!! I was paralyzed again. He kept smiling my 14 month old was babbling so Rob bent down a little and said 'hi there'. Then some guy came over and was asking Rob if he'd seen everything. I was so dumb I started asking him what his favorite Buddy Holly songs were and babbling about stupid *beep* Rob was soo nice and polite even tho he looked sleepy. He said he was going to head out and asked me nicely not to post anything about his whereabouts for a few hours. I was all ' omg of course, and then like an idiot. I asked him for a hug. He laughed again and then gave me like a 5 second two-armed hug!!!!!! He gave my son's hand a little tug and said 'nice meeting you', then he said the biggest compliment ever, 'i hope when I have a kid he's as beautiful as you! ( talking to my son). I almost fell on the floor. Then him and the other guy left and I didn't want to look like a stalker by following them so I just kept walking around the museum. I had left all my crap in the car , my camera, my photo I wanted him to autograph. I didn't want to be like 'oh rob can u wait here a sec? :( :( he looked like he was in a hurry. But omg omg BEST DAY of MY LIFE!!
Omg I have no idea which guy his friend was. He was dressed like. Way nicer than Rob his shirt was tucked in and he looked really young ..if I had to pick one maybe the second one. Ya he was towering over us (I'm barely 5'3!) and I noticed a little tummy on him ! He wasn't all six packed out or anything !! He looked so good tho like his body looked and felt like you really had something to hold onto! I always thought he was skinnier. He smelled like cigarettes and strawberry ice cream lmao that's the only way I can describe it!!!!!
I'm trying to remember all the bs I said to him. He probably thought I was nuts cuz he kept laughing. I told him that he & Christoph waltz are my fave actors & he was like 'oh sorry It would probably be more exciting to meet Christoph'
I know! Just wish I could have gotten a pic :( but it's ok. My baby absolutely loved him and was trying to grab his beard !! My baby has been called a miniature Edward Cullen so maybe Rob saw his own cuteness in him.
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